Saturday, August 30, 2008

History is made - back to back

And finally, as smooth as butter, the Democrats elected Barack Obama their first black nominee for President of the United States. A forgone conclusion, though the media would have loved to see some on stage drama during the actual process. None of that happened.

It was historic for both the Democratic party and the United States.

The very next day, the Republicans came back with their space in history. A little known Governor Sarah Palin, of a far off land named Alaska was named McCain's running mate. In an instant the Democratic side was eclipsed with this shocker cum surprise pick.

In the next weeks and months, we will get to know more about Sarah and see if McCain's choice for VP was based on political or other considerations. If he did not take into account the media hyped tiff between Hillary and Obama while picking Sarah, its certainly not obvious !

By all readings, McCain's attempts to pull in Hillary supporters may not work. Sarah is no Hillary and Hillary fans know that. I dont think they would be taken in by an imposter !

Hillary supporters will certainly not vote for Sarah for two reasons. One, Sarah is a hard core republican who is pro-life and pro-guns. Two, supporters of Hillary will not vote for Sarah and let this little known person take Hillary's place in history.

If McCain were to win this year then 2012 could possibly see a battle for the White house between Hillary and Sarah, if McCain chooses not to re-run.

An all woman's final !? Another history in the making.

1 comment:

Shiva said...

Three, Hillary's supporter(s!) may not vote for Sarah as most of them are Indian nationals living in the US with a visa and are not eligible to vote!