Monday, March 07, 2005

Whats in a blog name ?

Ever heard of auto-complete ? That's what the web world calls the browser feature that helps users filling forms online, prompting them with possible texts as they type into a text field in the form. An intelligent guesstimate based on user's previous entries.

The human brain also works in the same pattern. Mails were flying around a few months back illustrating how a person does not read a word fully, but only reads the first few letters of the word and the human brain guesses the rest. Interesting is'nt it !!

Well, it would be interesting if at times the brain auto-completes a word based on a few letters but ends up getting some totally strange word, adding at times pun to the whole sentence.

My friend Siva, who loathes blogging and bloggers, finally entered the world of blogging. And since I have been urging him to join the band-wagon for quite sometime, he promptly sends me his blog url for me to read.

I was initially puzzled with the blog name. Why would someone as "intelligent" as Siva comeup with such a corny name. I read the blog name, re-read it and read it again. was corny.

Still not believing my eyes, I decided to try some more tricks. I switched windows to some other work to distract my mind and clear my cached thought process hoping it would help.

Seconds later I glanced back. And lo ! the blog name was something else. I heaved a sign of relief. How could I have misread the name so badly. Anyways..the blog's name was quite good (compared to my previous read) !!

I actually appreciated the name as it gave an impression as if the blogger (Siva) wanted his blog to be more a forum for idea Xchange, chat and a hang out place on the web for his friends rather than just a one way blog traffic.

I promptly commented on his first blog...doing the usual welcome to blog world stuff and egged him to write more on his favourite topic(please visit his blog to find out more).

When I finished, I decided to walk up to him and congratulate him on finally crossing the mind-block. He as usual was all "humble" with smiles until I told him my auto-complete fiasco.

"Daaye know what, I actually first read your blog name as SweetKarumumCoffee which actually made me laugh. Then I second-glanced it and read it correctly as SweetKarmaCoffee (Karma is a coffee shop hang out place close to our office). Dude, the name is kewl !!".

He barks back..."Daaye loosu....its SweetKaramCoffee !!!!!!!!"


Arvind Srinivasan said...

what is in this blog ? :-p

eyeStreet times said...

Its time pass dude.

Anonymous said...

Esh not only needs a eye checkup but also a Virus scan of the brain...

Anonymous said...

Nice read . I will link my blog to this . Keep them posts running !