Chanakya, the great political scientist of the Mauryan period, in his masterpiece Arthashastra (c. 250 AD) describes four weapons wielded by a ruler to subdue his opponents — saama, daama, bheda, danda. Subtlest of all, saama, you co-opt opponents by involving them in a dialogue, daama , you buy them over, Bheda, suggests instigating differences among your enemies, and finally danda (punitive action), refers to outright repression.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Political expediency wins over new kind of politics
So, finally Obama has succumbed to political expediency.
He just announced that he was walking out of his Church of 20 years. Oh! what a fall from grace for the Church.
Obama received wild and wide praise for this balanced speech on race just over a couple of months ago. The speech where he disagreed with his pastor's views but refused to disown him, the speech where he threw his white grandmother under the bus, the speech where he very ably tried to walk the tight rope.
That was the Obama his supporters loved. Any other politician would have dropped the hot potato for political reasons but not the great new leader. He would speak his mind to the people and the great american public would understand and forgive him. Luck him, they did then. They gave him the benefit of the doubt.
Couple of days ago, another pastor goes on the rampage from the pulpit of his church, yet again. This time people started wondering - why does Obama keep company with so many of these people who have opinions outside of the american mainstream ? Is there a pattern here ? Is there some dark secret about Obama we all dont know yet ?
Swiftly, the Obama campaign put lot of distance between their candidate and the pastor. Obama himself condemned the comments followed by the pastor himself apologizing. Compare this with the dance Obama did when Rev. Wright's comments came out earlier. Obama and his people have come a long way. No tight rope walking, no sermons on how good the pastor is otherwise, etc, etc. A surgical strike to take out the issue before it blew up any further.
And then they over did the kill.
Obama then quickly went even further and resigned from the Church. WHY !?
What happened now that did not happen in the past 20 years that he pushed himself to get out of his Church ?
Well, not much on the side of the Church but a lot on the side of this Church-goer. Right up until his Church did not hurt his presidential run, he stuck with it. Refusing to disown the church and his pastor using eloquent words and lofty ideals, he convinced the MSM and the people of his sincerity.
But as I had mentioned in my earlier blog, he pushed Rev. Wright out of his bus as soon as the Reverend used the "politician" word on him. How dare he (Obama) be called a politician when he touts his new breed and change mantra !
The problem with Obama is that he and his campaign have set themselves up to such a high level of expectation that any fall from that height would be near fatal. My humble opinion is that he will regret this if he did not tune down the rhetoric on this "Change & Hope" mantra.
This larger than life candidate could eventually be just that - too good to be true.
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