Monday, December 03, 2007

Global Integration

For the past few weeks there has been a discussion going on between me and some my friends on what truly constitutes global integration.

It basically started off with my assertion that Indian companies have a long way to go before they can call themselves global brands. Particularly global companies integrating with the global supply and demand. The Chairman of a leading Indian software major made an interesting point that his company was now a global player after it won a major European contract.

I was surprised to see how people use the "global" word so loosely. Just because one has clients outside of the country, rake in USD, Euro's etc and have presence across the world it does not automatically mean you are a global company.

My definition of a global company is how much of your workforce is global. How easily is your workforce able to integrate with newer markets and people. Does your company still pull from a monolithic work pool and pays only lip service to the global workforce agenda.

A vast majority of the companies do not pay much attention to cultural integration. At least this one company I know does not.

The part of the iceberg thats under water is the vast majority of the workforce that fumbles with working with non native cultures. The tiny minority that is visible above the water surface gets most of the visibility and so pulls in the credit for the company being global !

Well, this does not mean things are not changing. Yes, it surely is better than before. We have come a long way since the last 20-25 years.

However just as India likes to pride itself as a upcoming global power without much power to pack into the punch, so do our companies love to throw around the Global word without actually being anywhere close it.

So lets shut up and get to work !


Shiva said...

I ve been trying to find time to comment here. Obviously I disagree with several of your assumptions and the following conclusions as well :) But I think I shd reserve them for another mail chat some time.

eyeStreet times said...

Shiva...I kind of know what you will say !