Sunday, June 03, 2007

Beyond the Presidential look !!

I just finished watching the Democratic Presidential debate '08. It was held at the Saint Anselm College, Manchester in the State of New Hampshire.

All the expected issues were discussed. The Iraq war, troop withdrawal, Health care reforms, Immigration reforms, deficits, surpluses, state of the economy, global leadership of the US, etc etc.

Frankly, I don't have an opinion on most of the issues listed above save the war and immigration reforms.

Anyways, the only reason I watched the debate was to see how many of the candidates were straight shooters. I did not care much for the differences of approach and opinion between the candidates.

All I wanted to see was this - Did they answer to the point or did they beat around the bush.

For me, the person who took the 'beating around the bush' cake was Barak Obama. I must agree. He does look Presidential and imposing. But beyond the Presidential look, he did not impress me at all.

Most of his answers had a lot of "hmms" and "aahs". Seemed like he was forming an opinion in his mind as he was attempting to answer the questions. Not impressed at all.

However, I must add that most other candidates never gave answers to the point. For example, the question about what would you do in the first 100 days of office once elected, brought out answers that were 100ft above the ground.

Candidate Bill Richardson's answer was the most surprising. He said he would first deal with education reform, knowing that the questioner was a teacher.

Senator John Edwards said he would go around the world !! What ? Go around the world in the first 100 days ? That seemed like a backup answer to a curve ball question. So much for being a successful lawyer.

Only two candidates answered to the point. One of them was Sen. Hillary Clinton.

Another question was from a National Guard who wanted to know if his serving in Iraq was for a purpose or was completely a waste of time. Governor Bill Richardson went round and round without ever answering the question. In comparison, Sen. Clinton answered well and to the point.

The two candidates who impressed me most was Sen. Clinton and Sen. Biden. Both candidates came up with smart and forceful answers rather than verbose ones.

Senator Biden came out forcefully on the Iraq war and the need for the United States to act quickly to stop genocides and save helpless people around the world.

In the end, there was nothing Presidential about Barak Obama after he opened his mouth.

courtesy : pictures from CNN

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