Friday, April 20, 2007

Non lethal weapons perhaps ?

The news of the massacre of students at Virginia Tech came as a shock early this week.

I come from a country where loss of life is daily news and most of us heave a sign, nod our heads and move on.

Nevertheless, a massacre so close to home and in the state I live in, was terrifying. My heart goes out to the students of VA Tech and the victim's family and friends. These are difficult times we live in.

I listen to WTOP radio while driving to work. And needless to say the news was all over the media that day. News reports, new findings, discussions, condemnations, condolences were going back and forth. And its in the midst of this came the words from the NRA's.

"The National Rifle Association joins the entire country in expressing our deepest condolences to the families of Virginia Tech and everyone else affected by this horrible tragedy.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families.

We will not have further comment until all the facts are known."

I am not sure why they had to add the last line, perhaps it was due to a slight tug on their souls. A slight guilt perhaps ?

"Guns Dont Kill People, Its People Who Kill People", they say.

"No Gun Control. Its Self Control", says another.

I was doing some reading on the Second Amendment to the US constitution which states :

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

So what is the necessity to have a citizen's militia ?

Apparently in 12th century England, the King mandated all freemen to possess certain arms for defense. This was because 12 century England did not have a police force nor did it have a regular army. So the armed citizenry performed the duty of both.

But today, in the 21st century, both these conditions don't apply. America has a police force which is one of the best in the world. A police force that responds, protects and maintains law and order. A national army that is the strongest in the world. An army that protects America from any threat from any where in the world.

So what is the rational behind continuing to maintain the 2nd amendment in the law books, I fail to understand.

If the common man is equipped with such weapons, surely the police force would have to be sufficiently equipped to meet any challenge from such people who are armed.

Its only logical to keep deadly weapons away from the people and perhaps explore the option of replacing them with non-lethal weapons for self protection.

This option is certainly worth exploring.


Karthik said...

Good blog. The VT incident made me blog after a long time. I have also come to same conclusion. In the age of 911, ADT & Taser Guns, having deadly weapons in the hands of ordinary citizen does not make sense.


eyeStreet times said...

Karthik...I am glad we agree on this one.