The recent agreement signed by the top three beverage companies to keep all fizz drinks away from schools is a welcome step. I was presently surprised to read the agreement, brokered by the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, was finally concluded and agreed.
The report said that the elementary schools students would now be served only bottled water, low-fat and nonfat milk, and 100 percent fruit juice in servings no bigger than eight ounces. Certainly a much healthier option in comparison to the carbonated drinks that young adults really love.
Back home in India I remember, not too long ago, when a wave of 'pesticides in beverages' hearsay spread like wild fire, the sales of the top fizz beverages slumped like crazy in India. And the recent Consumers forum slapping a fine on one of the beverage company's holding them liable for a condom in one of the bottles sold !
India certainly may not be up there yet when it comes to regulating and monitoring hygenic conditions of their consumables but Indians sure could hold back on their most consumed/favorite drinks when reports surface questioning the quality of the drinks they consume.
We could very well start off by taking a leaf out of the AHG agreement and ban all fizz drinks from educational institutions. And perhaps our railway minister could then have them replaced with butter-milk in earthen pots.
ah a new post after a long gap,
but good post indeed Eshwar
Ganesh...many thanks for dropping by.
Prakash..thanks for dropping by.
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