This is a simple request from a blogger to the Minister without portfolio in the Indian Union cabinet, to resign. There are several reasons why I dont want you as my foreign minister and in the Union cabinet and the Volcker report is just one among them.
Why should you leave ? Well, here are the reasons.
- You are an old war horse. Belonging to an old world. We need someone who pushes India into her new avatar rather than drag her into the mud-pit of cold war rhetoric.
- You dont seem to have any new ideas or vision. You are mouthing the same old Russia is our brother, beware of the west, lead the NAM, and love the middle east despite a zero ROI.
- Seems you report to Sonia more than your actual boss, the PM. Now, thats inappropriate and rude to Shri Manmohan Singh who is a new wine in an old bottle (thats a compliment to him, just in case you did'nt get it).
- Your demeanor is arrogant. And it has been so for a very long time. Even when you were in the opposition and were head of the Congress Party's foreign affairs cell. Your answers to questions from the media on television was downright rude and patronizing.
- Just because you belong to a Royal family does not mean you can walk like a peacock (thats a figure of speech).
- You are unelected just like some of your other colleagues in the cabinet who occupy important ministries. So your claim to the post - well what claim ? You are there because Soniaji wished it.
- When the PM, the PMO and the NSA (MK Narayanan) seem to be dragging India into the 21st century onto the high pedestal of powerful nations with innovative ideas, you seem to want to drag her back into the stone ages. Arent you a sore thumb in the foreign policy establishment ?
- About The Mitrokhin revelations ? What have you done about it other than debunk it.
- And finally the Volcker report. Lets see what you have said about the report -
"My record in public life for the past 50 years and more has been an open book. My personal integrity has never been questioned. I will, of course, examine the report in detail on my return and meet the prime minister and the Congress President.
"This is obviously part of the continuing campaign to malign the Congress party and its senior leaders ad functionaries."
"I have no objection to any probe."
"The report has as much validity as the report by the CIA director about the alleged existence of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) in Iraq"
"I am also aware that if I do that (resign from the Cabinet), it will not stop with me. The Opposition will use my resignation to further tarnish the reputation of the Congress Party. I will not let this to happen."
Classic case of a drowning man, clutching at a straw !!
Update : Natwar Singh has announced his decision to resign from the Union Cabinet Tuesday evening. This sudden change of stance by the embattled Minister is attributed in no small measure to a particular blog calling for his resignation, "Informed Sources" said !!
Some of your arguments(in generaly) are downright boolean(i.e either you are in this side or that side), which sometimes tell about your pre-conceived notions. It is quite difficult for me to arrive to such conclusions. For example, always felt I think like a socialist when I read some literature like that of Arundhati Roy/Chomsky and felt like a capitalist when I read some management book or business columns in newspapers.
Remember Lee Iocacca telling something along similar lines, 'I am a Republican when I am rich and I am a democrat when I am poor'.
Somehow, I also feel the same way.
So I keep changing my opinions when I get to listen new information. For example, I feel BJP/Communits/Congress were impressive in some of their ideologies, but the worry is that they also have their other rather stupid ideologies. Tough for me to choose one among this lot!
On the other hand, Natwar was quite bold to support US and EU in their resolution against Iran! So, guess it is wrong to blame him of being anti-west!
Sancho....hope you read Natwar's parting shot at the PMO and the NSA when he said he would recommend that India vote against the US and for Iran if and when the issue comes up again in the IAEA in Nov.
Now that was a dead giveaway. No Foreign minister would so openly try to force the hand of the PM.
Eshwar remember
he is 'Nut-'waaru' singh. ;)
good blog..but why r u pulling Soniaji into this?.
You have done something that Advaniji and his BJP could not do, despite stalling proceedings of the parliament. He resigned his ministerial post yesterday...
I felt that he has been made a scape goat to cover up the congress party... This guy does not evenknow what he is speaking... I am not sure how he managed to strike a deal with Iraq regime for oil coupons..
Ganesh...that was funny.
Tharani...I dont understand the "why drag soniaji" comment. Natwar was there in the cabinet because she willed it, so whats wrong in mentioning it.
Rags...i am sure he resigned after reading my blog !!!!
Congrats! Natwar has relinquished his post ;-)
Hope atleast after his resignation stalled proceedings of the house resume!
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