I was religious. Deeply religious. Its almost unbelievable now, even to me.
I come from a modern, quasi-religious Hindu Brahmin family, where the women folk are the backbone of the religious fervour and the men folk just step in and out.
Anyways, for some reason my father decided to take the plunge and turn into a religious purist. This was during my high school days. And needless to say, I got sucked into the vortex. I used to perform my "Nithya Karma" three times a day. Each time reciting the gayathri mantra thousand eight times. And apart from that I had been initiated into other japaas as well. So before I left for school in the morning which was around 8:30, I had to complete all my religious duties starting at 5:15 in the morning right upto 8:00. Similar routines would follow once I was back from school in the evenings.
And then it all stopped. It stopped abruptly in my last year at high school and I have never looked back since. Now, I am areligious. I am oscillating between an atheist, a non-believer and an agnostic but my religious passions flare up at times too.
I still go to the temples occasionally. I get worked up if someone insults my religion. And feel the pride rising in me when I receive the spam mails that praise Hinduism for its tolerance.
So though I might sound confused and at war within, I am not. I feel perfectly ok and do not think this apparent lack of clarity is anything to worry about.
Anyways, so when Science began to explain the phenomenon's around us in a rational and factual manner and began to debunk the age old theories of God's will being the reason behind these natural occurrences, the purist and the religious-orthodox began to feel threatened. This was primarily in the west. Because I do not think religion in India felt threatened by these explanations and incursions. Nor did the Indians feel compelled to choose between the two.
For decades now, the "Evolution" theory has been holding forth and no theory worthwhile has come about that could even dream of dethroning Darwin's pet theory.
So what did the religious do ? They found a back door entry.
Years ago I recall reading a book by Erich von Däniken titled 'The God's from Outer Space'. It was really a compelling book that left a lasting impression on me.
The question was simple. How could man evolve from a monkey if the level of intelligence exhibited by man is vastly superior to that exhibited by a monkey ??
If evolution is a step by step process over millions of years. If species' on earth today can be neatly fit into each of these steps. Then how did evolution take this lone giant leap when stepping from the monkey to the man. Does not make sense.
According to the book, this giant leap from monkey to man could not have been accomplished but for an invisible helping hand from outside.
Thats when "Intelligent Design" gingerly stepped in.
Its not evolution they cry out. Evolution came only as far as the monkey. The leap from monkey to man was the design by intelligent beings. Otherwise by the present evolution theory it would take much much longer.
I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of furore this created in the media and the US educational system. The religious screamed that evolution was anti-god and so should not be taught in schools. And if it was continued, then the students should either be told in no uncertain terms that this is just a theory which could possibly be wrong and that there were other theories too. Or better still, yank the whole thing off the text books.
I was really amused to read the arguments and counter arguments by each side. And to understand both sides of the issue, please read The New York Times piece titled "In Explaining Life's Complexity, Darwinists and Doubters Clash".
With a smug look on my face I said to myself - I still cant understand what this fuss is all about. I really dont. Is this a case of taking things just too far, too seriously ?
lovely piece eshwar.i could relate esp 2 the part where u call ur self a weak atheist.i would call myself an agnostic.like u said there is a part of me which feels proud 2 be a hindu.hinduism in its unadulterated form was a way of life.
btw man just didnt evolve from a monkey..havent u seen pics showing him becoming less and less monkish until he 2k his present form?
Anandkumar...I give up !!
siddharth..thanks. btw physical form is only circumstancial. Intelligence and thot does not seem to have concrete proof. (according to the book)
Siddharth...the word I was looking for was agnostic yesterday but could not quite catch it. Thanks, dude.
nice post eshwar, i would agree with u, i am proud to be a hindu - the form of hindusim not practised today, today i feel it is corrupt and dogmatic.
anand kumar, how much of the theory is true? becaue th e andamanese tribes were supposed to have come from africa (a part went to europe and later on came ot india) if there was a civilisation in india, where did the people come from?? for the earliest human traces were in africa?
Is this an amazing coincidence or what! I was writing up a small piece on Evolution and ID but as usual, it's been wallowing in the drafts gathering dust. The main reason being that reading up on this, I have been pulled into a quagmire with no end in sight.
And of course, as you know, irrespective of all my rational banterings, I am still strictly religious with a great belief in the prescence of God. So, our opinions vary on that regard! And knowing me so well, you would possibly have guessed what I would have come up with!
Maybe, I will get that post out sometime soon (within the next year or so ;-)). Due credit will be accorded to your post though ;-).
P.S. Can you please take out that stupid word verification. Half the time I am not able to make out whether it is a g or a q or a x or y. Is it just me and my eyes or do others face the same issue? I would prefer some spam comments to be deleted rather than having commenters go through this hassle! ;-).
vatsan...thanks for dropping by.
Raman...my present piece too was hanging around for about 3 months until i pushed myself to write it. Though I must admit that I have not really put in the amount of hard facts and details in this one as I usually do in my other posts, I have kind of consciously left those facts to bubble up in the comments section. And I am sure your post would more than compensate for it. Get on it dude asap.
About word verification, I slapped it on when I was getting a bit too many spam comments and had to manually delete them. Your complaint is duely noted and I would reserve judgement until the jury (commentors) gets back with a verdict.
OP...love the karma theory too. Kind of resembles the action-reaction principle, only diff is that it came in years earlier !!
Nice post dude.My piece on darwin theory has been there for 3 months too.. now that every body has posted on it.I rather not post it :)
sen...pls do post 'em. The more, the merrier. And pls dont forget to cross link !!!!!!
This is one of many things, I would beg to differ with you... I am firm believer that there is someone above me to give me support when I am down, provide me the required motivation and resurge belief in myself.
I was doing the Nithya Karmas few years back...When I stopped doing it, I was looked upon as a person neglecting God... My answer to them was, it is not the only way to show my belief in God and Religion...
The Crux, I am a staunch advocate of the following (This is a catch phrase I used when my mom pestered me to do Nithya Karma):
"Vazhkayil Aanmigam Irukkanum"
"Aanmigame Vazhkaiya Irukkakoodathu"
..btw she finally gave up on me...
You have doubts about whether we evolved from Monkeys!!!!
Mirror Mirror on the wall,
Show Esh who we are..
Rags...thanks for dropping by. I do understand your belief (faith) but all that I am asking is keep your mind open for alternatives too. I have not given up on the idea of god but I just have an open mind.
But on the contrary, you seem to have ruled out alternatives and that is something I dont understand. Anyways, guess time will tell.
I have not given up on the idea of god but I just have an open mind.
But on the contrary, you seem to have ruled out alternatives
Arriving to a conclusion a wee bit too early before looking into all the sides(note: not two sides of the argument) of the argument is not fair, as you have rightly put!
But how long does it take for one to get awareness on any topic before one could arrive to some logical conclusion ? (logical conclusion equals yes or no or read agree or disagree etc.,)
I think it takes eternity for one to properly analyse any topic before one could come to any such logical conclusion.
At times, there are no boolean answers to most of our questions if we could really bother to sit and think.
So, we chalk out an easier way of accepting things, i.e customise such varied answers to our needs as per our convenience.
excellent one Eshwar.
in India the concept of continous progress is being accepted
just like us even the universe go through it cycle.
Dashavatharam almost comes close to evolution theory.
Sancho...spoken like a true attorney !! You called into question, when does a person decide that its time to conclude !?? Its time to conclude when you have reached a stage that is close to conclusion...but then is that not subjective.
So the religious believe that the present eveidence is good enough to decide in favour of gods existence, the atheists believe that the present evidence is good enough to decide in favour of gods non-existence, and the agnostic believes that the present evidence is still inconclusive !!
Ganesh...your dashavatharam theory suggests that "outside help" was not only used to promote a monkey to a man but also used at evey stage of evolution. This certainly gives Intelligent Design a new twist !!
Anandkumar - you just have to be more rational dude..You nullified all that you said earlier by a weak point-6 which displays a pathetic desparation to prove something...!?
Eswar - well crafted blog and interesting discussions..
Belief in existence of God is not a state of mind. When the discussion is about our ancestors, Adam or Mr.Monkey, we will always find unexplainable mysteries attributing to the presence of a superpower. Name the way you want it/him/her/them, you will still end up with a concept of a superpower.
Now the question of Nitya Karma or following religious processes are a different ballgame alltogether. Let me just quote Milton here
"Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?"
I fondly ask. But Patience, to prevent
That murmur, soon replies: "God doth not need
Either man's work or his own gifts: who best
Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best.His state
Is kingly; thousands at his bidding speed
And post o'er land and ocean without rest:
They also serve who only stand and wait."
For those who want a good science Vs religion novel,read through Dan Brown's Angels and Demons. It is long, painful, boring but agnostic !
Raman/Sen - awaiting your theories..
you will like this post
its little long but well articulated one check it out
its by Anand Uvaacha
Siva...thanks for the words of wisdom.
Ganesh...saw the link. I was not able to complete the first blog I saw there, related somewhat to this one.
Hope to complete reading it eventually !
Anandkumar...i see your passionate about hinduism, but as Siva said, you got to be logical dude. Your projection of Hindusim as a be all and end all of all civilization is pushing it too far. Your passion is bordering on fanaticism. Tone down dude.
Guess, the train left the station :-)
But, guess we discussed most of this offline as well.
The question that am really interested is - why all of 'this' ?
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