Saturday, July 30, 2005

Most powerful Indian woman, where is ?

Forbes Magazine has released its list of 100 Most Powerful Women. Number one spot went to Condi Rice. Guess there was no surprise there. Some even say she is President material.

Great going Condi !

Anyways, I browsed through the list, top to bottom. But could not find any.

What was I looking for ? I was looking for an Indian woman. A woman from a country of over a billion population. There was none, zilch, zero, nil, nada, cipher....

There were three from China, one from Sri Lanka and one from Bangladesh.

But none from India.

I was hoping to see atleast one from my country. Well, atleast our de facto Prime Minister Smt Sonia Gandhi should have made it to the top 100 but that was not to be !!

Consolation prize - Ranked at number 28 , Indra Nooyi, President and CFO of PepsiCo.


Ganesh said...

I dont understand this
we have many judges,supreme court judges,governors,chief ministers etc
we should ring up TN CM and tell her to give a call to these folks!!
How dare they leave out Amma ?!

eyeStreet times said...

Yenna Ganesh ji...looks like you are "amma" paiyan !!

Shiva said...

unfortnately this list is for the 'current' and so as to say, we dont really have a powerful individual woman who makes such a great impact as of now.
25 years ealier Indira Gandhi would have been in the top 3 of this list.

However, on the other hand, a week back, the same portal published the fact that 25% of Indian IT is dominated by women and a whopping 70% on the BPO sector .. -- so there may be no lady who is all by herself powerful, but a huge gang of the feminine gender are already making their impact.

Anonymous said...

Someone once said Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Hmmm ... Now, that said, like Ganesh asked, why isn't Amma on that list!

And Siva, five Mohammed Kaif's and Yuvraj Singh's can never be the same as one Tendulkar. So, just becuase there are so many persons of the feminine gender in an industry does not imply power because the number of women entrepreuners and the number of women in powerful positions is still, unfortunately less ... For a long time, I've been sitting on a blog on this .. Maybe, it is time to get it out ;-)

eyeStreet times said...

Siva, what you said is encouraging...but again as Raman has put it - we still have to go a long way before women in high places becomes a norm rather than an exception.

Indira making it to the top was primarily because she was Nehru's daughter. Otherwise it would have been tough. But I am still happy that we have had a woman PM as compared to none from the world's most powerful democracy !!!

Narayanan Venkitu said...

Sad to see noone is from India...!
The last one I remember was Ms.Indira Gandhi. Mother Theresa though also lived in India.!

These days.? Not sure.! if anyone would qualify.!

Way to go Condi.!

Arvind Srinivasan said...


Are you not aware of the 'power' problems in India ...most of the day there is no 'power' - how do you expect powerful people ? :P

eyeStreet times said...

Narayanan...yes it is indeed sad.

Arvi...well that explains it !!

Anonymous said...

Nice catch.But,People who makes powerful woman for india sitting in US and writing blogs about "Most". then how would you expect Powerful woman from India?.just kidding...There lots of Powerful woman from India who settled in other countries.e.g. Kalpana one from India knows about her before she die.

eyeStreet times said... question :

Are u trying to say that powerfull women are not self made but are made only with the help of men !?

Kaps said...


I read about the logic behind these ranking. From what I understand.....apart from the status / position of the person the GDP or the rank of the country to which the female belongs to is also considered as one of the factors. based on this we can conclude that even if some lady in India is really worthy they would find it really difficult to break into the Top 100 because of the fact they are from a lesser developed country like India. However all heads of state (Srilanka has Chandrika Kumaratunga) have been featured. I guess if Sonia was the Prime Minister she would have definitely been mentioned.

eyeStreet times said...

If going by GDP...we surely should have made a dent since we are one of the fastest growing economies in the world next only to china !!

And yes I agree with you that if Sonia was PM she would have surely made it to the list. On seconds thots..better not.